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Bruxas da Escócia (The Witches of Scotland) (Angelo Brandini, 2014) Clip: highlights

About This Clip

Highlights from Cia Vagalum Tum Tum’s Bruxas da Escocia (Macbeth):
1) 0:00 – 0:42 Macbeth in the battle field
2) 0:43 – 2:14 Witches make predictions to Macbeth
3) 2:15 – 3:21 Lady Macbeth tries to convince Macbeth
4) 3:22 – 6:03 Lady Macbeth summons the dark forces + Song – Think, Macbeth!


Bruxas da Escócia (The Witches of Scotland)

Bruxas da Escócia (The Witches from Scotland) is Vagalum Tum Tum Theatre Company’s fourth stage adaptation of Shakespeare for children.

In the same approach of Vagalum’s earlier comedic adaptations, Bruxas da Ecócia amalgamates physical theatre, clowning and, Commedia dell’Arte techniques with Shakespeare’s narrative. In acrobatic numbers, clowns enact and embody Shakespeare’s play physically so that it communicates easily with a young audience. Macbeth is a clumsy and irresolute general married to a very determined and scheming Lady Macbeth. The actors explore the double side of the protagonist well: brave and coward; ambitious and yet hesitant to succumb to evil. Moving up from the title of The King’s Best Friend to Monarch, Macbeth suffers through some shameful and humorous situations. The tragic elements of Shakespeare’s text are transformed through the lens of the clown and yet retain the fundamental themes of the source text. Macbeth’s victims are catapulted to their deaths, the forest moves and is treated as a character and the vibrant music, composed by Fernando Escrich, is played and sung onstage by Vagalum’s resourceful actors.



Script writer and Director: Angelo Brandini.
Tereza Gontijo – Macbeth
Christiane Galvan – Lady Macbeth
Anderson Spada – Bruxa and messenger
Val Pires – Witch and King
Layla Ruiz – Witch and Son 1
Erickson Almeida – Son 2 and Musician
Musical Direction: Fernando Escrich
Diretor’s Assistant: Val Pires
Costume: Christiane Galvan.
Costume assistant: Mariana Lima
Set design: Bira Nogueira
Lighting design: Wagner Freire
Props and set design: Bira Nogueira
Production: Cia. Vagalum Tum Tum
Production assistant: Marina Mioni
Layla Ruiz
Rodrigo Freitas
Suzana Aragão

Background links:

Cia Vagalum Tum Tum

(Production notes provided by Cris Busato Smith)

Bruxas da Escócia (The Witches of Scotland)


Highlights from Cia Vagalum Tum Tum’s Bruxas da Escocia (Macbeth): 1) 0:00 – 0:42 Macbeth in the battle field 2) 0:43 – 2:14 Witches make predictions to Macbeth 3) 2:15...more

Highlights from Cia Vagalum Tum Tum’s Bruxas da Escocia (Macbeth):
1) 0:00 – 0:42 Macbeth in the battle field
2) 0:43 – 2:14 Witches make predictions to Macbeth
3) 2:15 – 3:21 Lady Macbeth tries to convince Macbeth
4) 3:22 – 6:03 Lady Macbeth summons the dark forces + Song – Think, Macbeth!


Bruxas da Escócia (The Witches of Scotland) Clip: highlights

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Bruxas da Escócia (The Witches of Scotland)
